Chonky Vegan
The Reluctant Modernist
A compilation of the works of Graphic Designer, Erik Nitsche, this poster exhibits work completed for General Dynamics and Decca Records album covers.
Influential Ingredients
“A good recipe comes together by incorporating great ingredients.” While creating a chart of my design influences, I was inspired by an amazing Fusilli Caprese Salad. The pasta represents influential designers, the basil—my educators, seasoning refers to others outside the realm of graphic design.
Transparent Emotions
Singular compositions attached to transparent clipboards take the viewer through an emotional three-dimensional timeline, revealing the story of a mother’s fears, stress, strengths, and joys related to her son’s cancer diagnosis, treatment, and remission.
Santana “Fusion” Book | Type Design
This hand bound book holds the new typeface design “Fusion” based on the guitarist, Carlos Santana.
3D Cereal Box
Branding & Package Design